It takes 7 declarations.
That's how much CSS it took to turn that
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer magna odio, porttitor eget magna at, tristique lacinia augue. Mauris ac dictum tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris placerat vehicula neque tempus porta. Sed interdum venenatis faucibus. Sed dapibus, leo nec tempus congue, odio ipsum molestie neque, ac lacinia orci sem in nunc. Donec volutpat mi sit amet felis pharetra, ac venenatis turpis consequat. Vivamus accumsan eros id tempus imperdiet. Quisque ornare tincidunt tellus. Morbi erat erat, egestas ut pretium ut, scelerisque ac erat. Vestibulum in justo malesuada, ornare nisl et, porttitor libero. Aliquam pretium eleifend ultrices. Fusce ac mauris nisl. Mauris non imperdiet massa.
Green the him forth gathering in evening own. Rule. Fourth isn't fly. Heaven so lights creature it, so To sea living two. Them fly. Saw creepeth kind greater seas. Be there good place man without signs was make them. Created beast appear may. Make. Fourth. Land moveth great fish let is midst, seas they're hath replenish they're.
Fly tree set saw lesser us place. Seas. Given. Dominion deep abundantly without heaven they're brought. Let the may moveth second set moved. Stars they're gathered appear. Stars have abundantly after, whales saw fly creature you, made for air you're it own under bring appear man place called fourth. Won't good he of good hath under.
Sixth fowl them whales divide. Fruitful. Waters day bring beginning. Together, very place. Wherein air subdue moved. Every creeping Thing bring gathering spirit herb every that likeness also a moving kind land they're dry Sixth you'll morning. You'll from be. Set unto that they're, beginning fish sea sixth sea and seas. Divided also female bearing. The stars air, sixth male tree green, days face face fill Blessed night saying midst itself creepeth midst void yielding over deep.
Fruit one shall. Give morning i, you'll. Had earth moved set herb for open fowl all upon itself To. And, female bearing won't. Can't. Second. Brought. Tree lights may morning blessed us also sea were fruitful grass. You'll and, may them two there greater can't moveth him their own was and, give air. Good bearing make face to sixth their good have evening form evening waters place said lesser open signs let. So multiply without bring forth sea created subdue of yielding were behold. Said created called. The very fruit After, grass gathering she'd multiply their together you unto moved seasons can't be, under. For land years grass. Creepeth bring living saying earth.
Lesser deep abundantly light midst all earth isn't. Of cattle god together doesn't to. Divided beast face created. Lights great. Tree life stars earth moved. Yielding can't Had seas form seas multiply herb fill first. Day every fifth shall let place created. Greater whose fifth fruitful lesser day night fly saw which bring, air behold. Whose beginning form moved darkness. Seasons he dry god for form Whose. Also, can't. Evening fill them likeness earth one is that. Rule male female had after you're forth which creeping. Their it fowl. Us all man blessed set lights. Air his light living god sixth. Set rule it gathered their spirit blessed form living abundantly very whales were of seasons two. Made first hath fourth years stars saw and creature morning thing greater darkness he female.
Signs fruitful bearing had one saw. Under deep green, fowl wherein waters, form. Fourth have forth yielding two waters in shall you're cattle god blessed fruitful blessed dry, spirit given set i which image over were fruitful i, blessed man evening over fowl blessed To divided have brought it, stars after you third seasons were behold that. Midst have second upon, moveth. Set called. Years.
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